Now, as the 9th letter of the Hebrew Aleph Bet, "Tet" ט , first and foremost signifies the "Highest" level of thought itself, just as the number "9" is the highest number, as a single digit number, so does the letter "Tet" ט signify the "Highest" spiritual concept in the entire Torah - which is "Good" טוב (Tov in Hebrew). From the opening verses of the Torah, to the completed thought in all of scripture, "Good" טוב appears to be the very "Cause" of All Causes and the ultimate reward for all spiritual work we labor in under the sun. Let's immerse in the Waters of the Torah for a bit and explore these Truths...
From the very first chapter in the Torah, we are introduced to the very "premise" of Creation! We are taught that G-d created the World with Wisdom, when the Torah says: בראשית ברא אלוהים את השמים ואת הארץ which can be read: B'Rashit בראשית - With Wisdom, God created the Heavens and the Earth !! The Torah then goes on to define each day of creation beginning with the very fist act of creation, which is G-d revealing Light, the light of the Torah that is! For the words "saw the light" (Et HaOr את האור) in Genesis: 1:4 are numerically equivalent to 613, the number of commandments in the Torah, even as it is written in the book of Proverbs: "For a commandment (Mitzvah) is a lamp and Torah is Light" Proverbs: 6:23. The Torah then goes on to enumerate each day of creation and sealing the end of each day with a "Spiritual Letter-Head" - "Good!"
As the Torah completes each day of creation, a Divine Stamp is set which seal the creative acts of each day, this Divine Stamp is contained in the words: "it was Good (Tov טוב)", of which the initial letter is Tet ט, or the Number 9! Why does the Torah feel the need to share with us that "G-d Saw" each of His creative "acts" were performed in perfection, and therefore "Good". The Torah seems to be teaching us here that attaining "perfection" is synonymous with accomplishing "Good" טוב. So much so, that even G-d Himself, who is the very Image of Perfection, is also said to be "Good", as it is written: "Hashem is Good" Psalms: 100:5. So then, if the world was "created" with Wisdom (The Torah), for the sake of Man who was created on the 6th day of creation, then the purpose of creation was for Man to attain perfection (Via Torah observance), the Ultimate "Good" טוב, which represents his (Man's) ability to discern the "image" of G-d.
So then, God created the Universe/World, to allow a being, namely Man, to draw so close to Him (G-d), that he (Man) may discern the "image" of G-d, which is the Highest realization of Perfection, termed "Good". This is why the psalmist says: "I have NO GOOD, but you (G-d)" Psalms: 16:10. You see, the highest realization of creation is the very essence of G-d, to know and discern Him. This can only be achieved via "Torah Observance", for Torah is "Light", a Divine Light which illuminates the very essence of G-d, making Him (G-d) visible to Man! Do Not, I repeat, do not get lost in metaphor! G-d is an "incorporeal" being! He has No limitation, His essence can not be contained by the "corporeal" (mind/eye)! Yet, the Torah teaches us that through Righteousness (Torah Observance), one "Can" attain a Glimpse of
Yet, the Torah teaches us that through Righteousness (Torah Observance), one "Can" attain a Glimpse of the Divine Image of G-d, as it is written: "and I in "Righteousness" (Torah Observance) shall "See" your (G-d's) face; upon awakening, I will be satiated by your "Image" Psalms: 17:15. The Torah is trying to teach us that the very purpose of creation is to allow us to "See" G-d! Which is defined as knowing and discerning Him (G-d) in the closest way possible! Yet, since G-d is an incorporeal being, having no Shape or Form, how does One "See Him".... more importantly, how can one shed "Light" (Torah) on that which has No Temunah (Image) ? Easy, the "Light" of Torah is a Light of Truth, as it is written: "Your Torah is Truth" Psalms: 119:142. So then, the "Light" of Torah allows us to Discern Truth, it allows us to "See" the Very Essence of Divinity, which having No shape or form, is yet still a Perfect Image of "Discernible Truth"!
In conclusion, the letter "Tet" ט represents the Highest concept of Creation - Good טוב! It is therefore represented by the Highest numeral - 9. The numerical equivalence of the Hebrew word "Tov" טוב (Good) is 17, 17 x 9 = 153, which is the numerical equivalence the Hebrew term: אני יהוה אלהיך "I am the Hashem your G-d". Righteousness allows us to "see" G-d!
As always I pray that the words that I've shared have touched someone and may G-d Bless our endeavors and edify our every step towards Him!
Avdiel Ben Levi
עבדיאל בן לוי